Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Plant Sciences

Major Professor

H.D. Swingle

Committee Members

David L. Coffey, Jimmy L. Collins


Total yields of snap beans, Phaseolus vulgaris, are often reduced because the seed do not always germinate evenly, thus resulting in uneven plant growth. The effect of physiological age of Phaseolus vulgaris seed on germination and early seedling growth was studied. The relation of seed and inhibition of water was also investigated. Results from greenhouse germination trials indicate that physiologically older seed may germinate earlier, have a higher percent germination, and produce a larger seedling than physiologically younger seed.

Greenhouse germination trials indicate that large seed imbibe more water and produce a larger seedling than do small seeds. However, neither evenness of germination nor final percentage germination was influenced by seed size.

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