Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Agricultural Extension

Major Professor

Cecil E. Carter

Committee Members

Robert S. Dotson, Claire Gilbert


The purpose of this study was to show the relation between 4-H project leaders' personal characteristics and those who performed a low or high number of tasks. The study was also to show the relation between 4-H project leaders' personal characteristics and leaders who felt qualified to perform a low or high number of tasks- The study was also intended to show the relation between the frequency agents provided information to leaders, by various teaching methods, and agents with a low or high percent of leaders who performed a high number of tasks.

Some of the major findings were: (1) leaders who were in the high task performance group were more likely to be females, to be housewives, teachers, laborers, or professionals; (2) leaders with more leadership experience, with the exception of the number of years served, were more likely to be in the high task performance group than leaders with little or no leadership experience; (3) leaders who had received more training were more likely to perform a higher number of tasks than leaders who received little or no training; (4) leaders who had received more training were more likely to feel qualified to perform a higher number of tasks than leaders who had received little or no training; (5) the frequency with which agents had provided information to leaders, by various teaching methods, was not significantly related to whether or not an agent had a low or high percent of leaders who performed a high number of tasks.

Recommendations made included (1) further studies be done concerning the frequency of providing information to leaders by various teaching methods; (2) further studies be done concerning information provided to leaders; and (3) the findings be made available for use by the county and state 4-H staffs.

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