Masters Theses
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Food Science and Technology
Major Professor
J. L. Collins
Committee Members
M. R. Johnston, Homer D. Swingle
Southern peas, harvested in the mature green stage, continue the maturation process after harvest during the holding period. Heat generated by respiration of the peas while they are transported and held at the plant cause the temperature of the peas to increase. The higher temperature may result in a lower quality grade of the processed product. This study was designed to determine the effect of holding time, temperature, and position in the container on chemical and physical properties of the peas. Southern peas were held in small cylinders for zero, one, two, and three days at two temperatures (7°-10°C and 24°-27°C). Samples for analyses were taken from the upper half and the lower half of the cylinders. Effect of the treatments was determined by measuring the amounts of starch, maltose and glucose and by ascertaining the pH, total acidity, weight loss, and moisture sorption of the peas. Amylase activity was determined also. The data indicated that an extended time of holding and the higher temperature caused a decrease in starch content, amylase activity, and pH. Peas from the top of the cylinders exhibited a higher decrease in starch content, amylase activity, and pH. The glucose content in peas decreased during holding. The higher temperature and upper position caused a greater decrease in glucose; however, there was an increase between one and two days holding at ambient temperature. Maltose content and total acidity increased during holding. The higher temperature and upper position caused an increase in maltose content and total acidity. Peas held at ambient temperature lost more weight during the treatment periods and subsequently sorbed less moisture. Peas from the top position sorbed more moisture than those from the bottom. The correlation coefficients between all variables were significant.
Recommended Citation
Park, Jyung Rewng, "Chemical and physical properties of Southern peas, Vigna sinesis, during storage. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 1970.