Masters Theses
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Animal Husbandry
Major Professor
E.R. Lidvall Jr
Committee Members
Robert Dotson, C.S. Hobbs
The purpose of the study was: (1) to determine certain characteristics of commercial feeder pig producers in Scott County, Tennessee; (2) to determine which of a list of recommended management practices were being used by the feeder pig producers; (3) to determine the scope of the commercial feeder pig production program; and (4) to determine the sources of information being used by Scott County feeder pig producers.
Findings of the study, which included 31 commercial feeder pig producers who in 1969 kept nine or more brood sows, disclosed the following characteristics: (1) had an average farm size of 109 acres; (2) had an average of 43 cropland acres; (3) kept an average of 16 sows; (4) was over 45 years old; (5) was a part time farmer; (6) had attained eight years of formal education; and (7) had a gross farm and family income of over $10,000.00,
When the highest and lowest pig production groups (pigs weaned per litter) were compared it was found that the former had: (1) smaller farms; (2) fewer acres of cropland; (3) kept fewer sows; (4) was older; (5) included more part time farmers; (6) less formal education; and (7) less gross farm and family income.
Those producers with less cropland acres and fewer acres of corn weaned more pigs per litter. Sixty seven percent of the highest production group attended a swine management class held in 1969 whereas only 22 percent of the lowest production group attended. Furthermore, the study revealed that 71 percent; of the highest group were producers using recommended facilities and equipment, as compared to 56 percent of the lowest production group.
Magazines, newspapers and radio were the leading sources of mass media information used by pig producers in Scott County. Leading personal contact sources of information were UT Agricultural Extension Service, neighbors, feed dealers and livestock buyers.
Recommended Citation
Huffins, Hilmon Howard, "Management practices of Scott County, Tennessee, feeder pig producers. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 1972.