Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Agricultural Economics

Major Professor

M. B. Badenhop

Committee Members

D. W. Brown, B. R. McManus


Important areas of distress in the American economy have been identified, and the people living in these areas and their problems are major concerns of national, state, and local governments. One such area is Appalachia and within Appalachia there are many valleys that have all the characteristics associated with distressed areas. Model Valley, where this study was made, is one of these areas. This study is concerned with one aspect of alleviating such distress, namely, the creation of job opportunities through the development of an integrated wood industry to use the limited resources of the area. One hope is that the development of an integrated wood industry in Model Valley would offer a partial solution to the problem of economic decline in the area. The objective of this study, therefore, is to deter-mine whether it would be feasible to locate an integrated wood industry in the area. The study was divided into the following sections: a review of the existing wood industries in the area; a compilation of forest inven-tory data; a selection of the wood industries that the available wood resource base can support; the further selection of the wood industries that appear to be feasible for development and an economic analysis of each of these industries. Finally, a set of recommendations was made stating the requirements necessary for the successful establishment and maintenance of the selected wood industries.

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