"Influence of selected chemical and biological control agents on cabbag" by William Joseph VanLandingham

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Agricultural Biology

Major Professor

S.E. Bennett

Committee Members

A.C. Cole, C.D. Pless


In the summer of 1972 three chemical insecticides, two formulations of a bacterium, and a nuclear polyhedrosis virus were selected to determine their effectiveness in controlling the cabbage looper, Trichoplusia ni (Hubner), on a selected variety of snap beans. Counts were made on caged larvae in the field and in the laboratory to determine the percent of larvae killed by each insecticidal agent. The chemical insecticides Lannate, Orthene, and Sevin and the bacterial formulations Dipel and Thuricide all provided greater than 90 percent control in the field three days after treatment. Laboratory results showed a slight decrease in toxicity of treatments over field results.

From April through September of 1971 and 1972, light traps were operated in 18 and 13 counties, respectively, across the state. Information was collected concerning distribution and abundance of adult moths of the looper complex in Tennessee.

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