"Development of a high protein snack food containing whey protein conce" by Cheh-Tze Chiang

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Food Science and Technology

Major Professor

H. O. Jaynes

Committee Members

W. W. Overcast, C. C. Melton


Objectives of this study were to recover protein from cottage cheese whey and develop whey protein concentrate into an acceptable textured protein food product. Cottage cheese whey was treated with sodium hexametaphosphate to precipitate whey protein-HMP complex. The protein recovery was improved by treating whey with an ion exchange resin, but the treatment caused some loss of total protein. Commercial whey protein concentrate was used to prepare a deep fried snack product which was dusted with three different flavors. The deep fried, flavored snack products had desirable texture and flavor. These flavors can be varied for a variety of tastes. Sensory evaluation showed that the textured protein snack food fortified with whey protein was highly acceptable.

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