Masters Theses
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Animal Science
Major Professor
Haley M. Jamison
Committee Members
James B. McLaren, William R. Backus
Records of 10,710 pens of calves sold in Tennessee feeder calf sales held in the spring and fall of 1965 through 1969 were studied to calculate estimates of the effects of sex, grade, average weight per pen, and pen size on the price received per hundredweight and per head for feeder calves. The following results were obtained in this study. These data indicated that sex had a significant (P < .01) effect on the price received per hundredweight and per head for feeder calves. Steers sold for $2.15 per hundredweight and $9.40 per head more than heifers of identical grade. These data revealed that grade had a significant (P < .01) effect on the price received per hundredweight and per head for feeder calves. Choice calves sold for an average of $1.91 per hundredweight more than medium calves. Choice calves also sold for an average of $0.71 per hundredweight more than good calves. Calves in the medium grade sold for an average of $1.20 per hundredweight less than good calves. Choice calves sold for $9.00 and $3,58 per head more than medium and good calves, respectively. The average weight per pen was a significant (P < .01) source of variation in this study. When the price received per hundred weight was regressed on the average weight per pen, with all other sources of variation held constant, these data indicated that as average weight per pen increased the price received per hundredweight decreased. When the price received per head was regressed on the average weight per psn, within the range of this data, as the average weight per pen increased, so did the average price received per head. Although lighter weight calves sold for more per hundredweight, for each pound increase in average weight the price per head increased $0.21. The regression of the price received per hundredweight and per head on pen size was significant (P .01) . These data indicated that for an increase in pen size by one unit the price per hundred weight increased $0.04 and the price per head increased $4.82. The estimates of these parameters indicated that factors affecting the price received for feeder calves in Tennessee feeder calf sales were similar to those described in other studies involving feeder calf sale data.
Recommended Citation
Brown, A. Hayden, "Effects of selected variables on the price received for calves in Tennessee feeder calf sales. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 1974.