Masters Theses
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Agricultural and Extension Education
Major Professor
Robert S. Dotson
Committee Members
Anna B. Lucas, Cecil E. Carter
This experimental type study was devised to develop and test a basic learning center unit for use with new Extension workers. Pre- and Posttest scores, and Improvement scores of 18 present and 16 potential 4-H agents were compared and t-test analyses were used to test significance. Major findings of the study include the following: (1) Mean scores of present and potential agents differed significantly only on Part 3 of the Pretest, with present agents scoring higher; (2) Present and potential agents did not differ significantly on the Posttest; (3) Posttest scores for both groups were significantly higher than Pretest scores, thus indicating the effectiveness of the unit in teaching, and (4) the groups differed significantly in the sense that certain characteristics affected their scores. Characteristics having the greatest influence on score differences were: (1) Field training experience; (2) 4-H membership; (3) Marital status; and (4) Parental status. It was concluded that: (1) The unit entitled "Message #1, What Is 4-H?" was effective for the purpose intended; (2) Present and potential agents learned equally well, and (3) Certain factors, mentioned earlier, were associated with high performance. Recommendations were made for use of the unit and for further study.
Recommended Citation
Adkins, Peggy Mustain, "The development and testing of a basic 4-H experimental learning center unit for present and prospective Tennessee 4-H agents. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 1974.