Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Animal Science

Major Professor

R.L. Murphree

Committee Members

G.M. Merriman, H.V. Shirley


Cervical mucus was obtained from estrus dairy cows by massage, per rectum, of the reproductive tract to expel mucus into a plastic bag. Mucus was collected from ovariectomized beef heifers, brought into estrus with progesterone and estrogen, by insertion of tampons into the vagina.

Initially, extraction of fatty acids from mucus with diethyl ether and with methanol was attempted. However, with one exception, the values reported in this thesis were obtained using isopropanol. Fatty acids were extracted in their sodium salt form with isopropanol, then concentrated to dryness before uptake in a diethyl ether-formic acid solvent. Aliquots were injected onto a gas chromatograph, and fatty acid peaks were quantitated with the aid of standard solutions of the appropriate acids.

Isobutyric, butyric, isovaleric, and valeric acids were found in extracts of most samples analyzed, each usually at a concentration of less than one µg/gm sample. Propionic acid was found in all samples, usually at a concentration of several µg/gm sample. Acetic acid was found in highest concentration, in amounts usually 10-15 times greater than the concentration of propionic acid. Differences in methods of mucus collection and extraction techniques, and the limited data gathered, made statistical analysis inappropriate.

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