Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Agricultural Extension

Major Professor

Cecil E. Carter Jr.

Committee Members

Robert S. Dotson, Frank O. Leuthold


This study was concerned with determining the present situation in Tennessee regarding the Tennessee Extension Management System used for reporting. Specifically the study dealt with the Weekly Activity Report which is one aspect of the total system. Data were collected from 28 selected Tennessee county Extension leaders located across the state. Interviews with the leaders were conducted using an interview schedule prepared specifically for the study. All interviews were tape recorded and transcribed into typewritten form. For the purpose of analysis, leaders' responses to interview questions were coded and grouped according to pertinent aspects of weekly activity reports. The information was key punched, computerized and a computer printout retrieved. The printout showed the frequency and percentage of each response. The data were then organized into tables. Tables were classified into four basic overall areas concerning weekly activity reports. This was done in order to describe and analyze the reporting approaches and procedures used by Extension leaders. Numbers and percents were used to show responses of the leaders. Major findings of the study are briefly stated as follows: 1. The majority of Extension leaders were keeping some type of record of their daily activities. The large majority of the leaders -transferred this information to their Weekly Activity Report Form once a week, spending an hour or less on the task. 2. The majority of Extension leaders felt that the weekly activity report data were most useful for purposes of evaluating and less useful for planning and reporting. A majority of the leaders also felt that the data could show what they did, but not the effectiveness of the programs conducted. 3. The majority of Extension leaders recommended no significant changes in the report form. They felt that the numbers recorded in Field N, Number in the Audience, and Field 0, Time Expended, were not accurate. 4. The majority of the Extension leaders felt that the fields on the report form that were most difficult and least accurate were Subject Codes, Field L, and Purpose Codes, Field I. Implications and recommendations were also included

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