Masters Theses
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Agricultural Extension
Major Professor
Cecil E. Carter Jr.
Committee Members
Robert S. Dotson, Ben Powell
This study was concerned with the relationship between various parental characteristics and the retention of senior 4-H youth in Wayne County, Tennessee. Data were collected from 30 parents of senior 4-H members and 30 parents of former 4-H members. Senior age 4-H youth were those in the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth grades while former members included those who had been 4-H members sometime during the past four years but had dropped out of 4-H. Sixty parents were interviewed through personal visits and telephone calls. One hundred and ten variables were identified and used as a basis for determining if parental characteristics were related to the retention of senior 4-H members in Wayne County. The statistical test used in the analysis of data was chi square. The .05 level was selected as being statistically significant. Computations were done by the University of Tennessee Computation Center. Major findings of the study were: 1. Background characteristics of parents of senior 4-H'ers and parents of 4-H dropouts were not significantly different relative to: father's occupation, mother's occupation, place of residence, property ownership, where father or mother was reared, miles living from Waynesboro, or number of driveable vehicles. 2. Four-H background of parents of senior 4-H'ers compared with parents of former 4-H'ers was not significantly different relative to: years father or mother was a 4-H'er, years father or mother was adult leader, years father or mother was a junior leader, participation in 4-H contests, out-of-county 4-H participation, or out-of-town 4-H event participation. 3. The identification of youth organization emblems and motto by parents of senior 4-H'ers compared with parents of former 4-H'ers were not significantly different. Parents were asked to identify the FFA emblem, FHA emblem. Boy Scout emblem. Girl Scout emblem, 4-H emblem and 4-H motto. 4. Personal and family characteristics of parents of senior 4-H'ers compared with parents of former 4-H'ers were not significantly different. Personal and family characteristics studied were age, number of children in family, health condition, years of school completed and economic level. 5. General personal characteristics and availability of communication techniques to parents of senior 4-H'ers compared with parents of former 4-H'ers were not significantly different. Characteristics studied were preference of voluntary organizations, keeping of records, ownership of a radio, reception of a radio station WAAN, recipient of Extension newsletter, and subscription to Wayne County News. 6. Special interests of parents of senior 4-H'ers compared with parents of former 4-H'ers were not significantly different regarding sports, reading, music, sewing and baking. 7. Youth participation in sports and organizations of fathers of senior 4-H'ers compared with fathers of former 4-H'ers were not significantly different. Participation included athletic club, basketball, baseball, football, 4-H, Beta Club, Future Farmers of America, band. church, science club. Boy Scouts, other youth activities. Future Homemakers of America and total activity participation. 8. Youth participation in youth organizations by mothers of senior 4-H'ers compared with mothers of former 4-H'ers was not significantly different. Participation areas were athletic club, 4-H Club, Beta Club, FHA, band, church, science club. Girl Scouts, other youth activities and total youth activity participation. 9. Participation and leadership in fund-raising drives by fathers of senior 4-H'ers compared with fathers of former 4-H'ers were significantly different. Fathers of 4-H dropouts were more active in fund raising events. 10. Participation and leadership in organizations and sports by fathers of senior 4-H'ers compared with fathers of former 4-H'ers were not significantly different. Leadership and participation areas were civic clubs, community club, country club, scouts, church, coach of amateur sports, 4-H, other activities and all adult organizations and sports activities. 11. Adult participation and leadership in organizations and sports by mothers of senior 4-H'ers compared with mothers of former 4-H'ers were not significantly different. Areas of participation included civic clubs, community club. Home Demonstration Club, Scouts, 4-H, church, coach of amateur sports, fund-raising drives, other activities and all adult activities. 12. Parents of senior 4-H'ers compared with parents of former 4-H'ers had received more visits from the Extension Agents. 13. Knowledge about 4-H exhibited by parents of senior 4-H'ers compared with parents of former 4-H'ers was not significantly different. This included what 4-H meant to the parent, knowledge of 4-H being a volunteer organization, the role of a project leader and receiving advice from the Agricultural Extension Service. 14. Parental attitudes relative to the adequacy of 4-H contests, need for other 4-H contests, feelings about the 4-H awards program, competition, project publications, relatedness of 4-H publications to projects, need for 4-H record keeping, emphasis on record keeping, 4-H newsletter, citizenship and leadership opportunities and available projects and activities experienced by parents of senior 4-H'ers compared with parents of former 4-H'ers were not significantly different. 15. Interest in 4-H with respect to times provided transportation to a 4-H event by parents of senior 4-H'ers compared with parents of former 4-H'ers was significantly different. Parents of senior 4-H members had provided transportation of their children to 4-H events more frequently than did the parents of the 4-H dropouts. 16. Attendance at a 4-H Awards Program by parents of senior 4-H'ers compared with parents of former 4-H'ers had a tendency to be significantly different. However, it did not achieve the .05 level of significance. 17. Interest in 4-H as stated by parents of senior 4-H'ers compared with parents of former 4-H'ers was not significantly different regarding encouraging the youth to participate in 4-H whether or not they provided transportation to 4-H events, attendance at a county 4-H event, event attended, willingness to serve as a 4-H leader, listening to Agricultural Extension Radio programs over WAAN, reading of news column in the Wayne County News, and suggestions on improving the 4-H program. General recommendations were made. i
Recommended Citation
Taylor, James Dennis, "Influence of parental characteristics on the retention of senior 4-H Club members in Wayne County, Tennessee. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 1975.