"Feed bunk and headgate requirements for large hay packages" by Patricia Moore High

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Biosystems Engineering Technology

Major Professor

Bobby L. Bledsoe


Roofed and unroofed feed bunks and two metal headgate systems were designed and tested with the objective being to evaluate trampling and refused hay feeding losses and package type preference. Outside stored stacks, high-density rolls, and low-density rolls of Midland bermudagrass hay were fed randomly in each feeder type during a three-week feeding trial. Hay trampling loss and refusal loss for each feed bunk type, headgate design, and package type were determined. Cattle preference among package types was noted by visually observing the accumulative percent of each package consumed daily. Roofed feed bunks had approximately half as much refused hay losses as the unroofed feed bunks with trampling losses being similar. Two headgate suspension systems were studied in the unroofed feed bunks. The pin-jointed, four-bar, straight-line-motion suspension system and the four-guide, sliding suspension system had similar hay losses. Of the three package types studied, stacks were the most fully consumed and preferred. Low-density rolls were the least preferred as well as the least fully consumed. High-density rolls occupied a middle position.

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