Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Wildlife and Fisheries Science

Major Professor

Michael R. Pelton

Committee Members

Ralph W. Dimmick, Boyd L. Dearden


A study of the movement patterns of resident raccoons (Procyon lotor) in East Tennessee was conducted during 1976 and 1977. Sufficient data were obtained from 9 raccoons to estimate home range size. Average home range size was 157 ha and ranged from 49 ha to 264 ha. Food availability and other habitat differences were thought to have the greatest influence on home range size. Larger home range sizes in the Ridge and Valley Province of the study area were probably the result of the continual shifting of foraging and denning activities between the cornfields and wooded knobs. The sex of the raccoon was also thought to influence home range size. The average home range size of male raccoons was 232 ha and was significantly larger (P < 0.025) than the average home range size of the female (x̄ = 134 ha). Reduction in home range size was observed in 1 female raccoon after parturition. Harassment by dogs was also suggested as a factor influencing movement patterns and home range size. No indication of territories was observed. The area of home range overlap varied from 36.4 ha to 70.1 ha. Habitat utilization and movement patterns were similar in areas of overlap. Diel activity was recorded; the greatest period of activity was between 2000 and 2400 hours. Activity was noted during all periods of the day. Tree species with highest denning utilization were white oak (Q. alba) and northern red (Q. rubra). Average tree den height was 14.7 m and ranged from 7 m to 26 m. Average den tree dbh was 54 cm and ranged from 28 cm to 117 cm. Den cavity measurements that were reported included: height from ground, exposure, external dimensions, internal dimensions, and depth of cavity. Den site parameters for 30 trees were recorded. The average distance from tree den to water was 138 m. The average distance from tree den to nearest agricultural land was 237 m. The average distance from tree den to human inhabitance was 1,039 m.

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