"A comparison of six farrowing house slat materials" by Leland C. Thompson

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Animal Science

Major Professor

E. R. Lidvall

Committee Members

J. B. McLaren, Frank Masincupp


There were 410 crossbred Duroc, Hampshire, Landrace and Yorkshire sows and their litters used in this study to compare the self-cleaning properties of six different slat types and to relate slat cleanliness to pig performance. Each litter was raised to weaning (about 5 weeks of age) in a 24-crate environment controlled confinement farrowing house. Each partially slatted farrowing crate utilized one of six different slat types in the rear 30 inches of the crate. The slat materials, #9 expanded metal, Behlen stainless steel, round rods, flat steel, plastic and aluminum, were evaluated for cleanliness by objective numeric scoring of the slatted area at weekly intervals. Slat cleanliness was primarily related to percent void (slot) space in the slat section. Expanded metal, Behlen stainless steel and round rod slats had a greater percent void space and scored significantly cleaner than flat steel, aluminum and plastic slats. The slats constructed of materials more readily available for on-farm construction such as expanded metal, round rods and flat steel self-cleaned more effectively than the specialty slat materials such as stainless steel, plastic and aluminum. The age and number of pigs in the litter had little influence on slat cleanliness. Year and season of year differences affected the cleanliness of all slat types but did not affect the differences among slat types. Slat cleanliness had little influence on the percentage of pigs weaned of those born alive; however, the slat material itself significantly affected the percentage weaned. Expanded metal, round rods, Behlen stainless steel and flat steel slat materials were those associated with the lower weaning percentages of 74.3 and 69.5, respectively. There were no significant differences in adjusted 35-day pig weaning weight.

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