"The Effect of Bonner Sphere Borehole Orientation on Neutron Detector R" by John Macdougall Brittingham

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Nuclear Engineering

Major Professor

Lawrence H. Heilbronn

Committee Members

Ronald E. Pevey, Martin L. Grossbeck


This thesis investigates the differences in Bonner Sphere detector response for anisotropic neutron fields as a function of borehole orientation. Monte Carlo simulations using MCNPX were used to calculate the difference for a borehole oriented directly behind a unidirectional neutron field and one in which the borehole is normal to the neutron flux. The differences in detector response depend on the size of the Bonner Sphere and the energy of the incident flux, which could introduce significant error in the determination of the neutron field’s energy spectrum.

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