Masters Theses
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Agricultural Extension
Major Professor
Cecil E. Carter Jr.
Committee Members
Lewis Dickson, Etta Mae Westbrook
The purpose of this study was to compare food consumption, nutritional knowledge, and food behavior practices of Extension Homemaker Club Members (EHCM) and Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program Participants (EFNEPP) in Hawkins County, Tennessee. The sample of this study included 100 homemakers, i.e. 50 EHCM and 50 EFNEPP. Instruments used for interviews were the Food Behavior Checklist and the 24-Hour Food Recall. Frequencies, T-test and Chi-square were the statistics used to determine strengths in the relationships. Findings of the study in relation to personal/family character-istics included the following: EFNEP homemakers were younger and most all were not employed, more persons lived in the EFNEPP households, more lived on farms, more received food stamps and income was less. In the comparison of audience and food consumption, a signifi-ly higher number of EFNEPP consumed the recommended two servings daily of milk and meat. The consvimption of fruits/vegetables and bread/cereals was not significantly related to the audience. The EHCM living in nonfarm areas consumed more servings of meat, fruits/vegetables and breads/ cereals than did the EFNEPP. In the comparison of audience and Knowledge of Nutrition, a higher percentage of the EFNEPP were able to answer the indicators correctly, except for the high and low calorie foods, than did the EHCM. The mean score for the EHCM on the remaining sections of the Food Behavior Checklist were higher than for the EFNEPP. Implications for the study indicated that since the audiences differed in age and number in household, programs be planned for specific audience needs. Both audiences consumed less than the recommended number of servings for fruits/vegetables and more for bread/cereal. Considerations might be given to exploring ways of getting individuals to adopt practices of consuming the recommended number of servings. Recommendations for further study could include: effective teaching methods for specific audiences, study affect of intensive versus extensive nutrition training, and methodology for obtaining data.
Recommended Citation
Cravens, Judy Gray, "A comparison of characteristics, food consumption, nutritional knowledge and food behvior practices of extension homemaker club members and expanded food and nutrition education program participants in Hawkins County, Tennessee. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 1986.