Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Landscape Architecture

Major Professor

Effin T. Graham

Committee Members

Gary L. McDaniel, James D. Caponetti


Thirteen week old F1 hybrid cyclamen seedlings which had been germinated axenically were divided into cotyledon, cotyledon petiole, and tuber explants. Explants were cultured on modifi-cations of Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with an auxin (lAA, NAA or 2,4-D) and a cytokinin (BA or kinetin) in order to establish callus cultures. Petiole tissue produced large masses of callus when the growth regulator combination of 0.5 mg 1-1 NAA and 2.5 mg 1-1 BA was included in the medium, whereas prolific callus growth occurred on tuber tissue cultured in the presence of 2.5 mg 1-1 NAA and 0.5 mg 1-1 kinetin. Shoots were produced sporadically on explants cultured in the presence of NAA (1.0 mg 1-1) and BA (1.0 mg 1-1), BA alone (1.0 mg 1-1), or kinetin (0.5 mg 1-1), but were produced more consistently and in higher numbers on explants cultured on Wicart medium supplemented with NAA (0.5 mg 1-1) and BA (2.5 mg 1-1). Root formation was promoted on explants cultured in the presence of NAA (0.5 or 2.5 mg 1-1). Plantlets were successfully regen-erated both through callus tissue and directly from parent tissue. A small number of propagules were established in vitro, and were subsequently established as freely growing in vivo plants.

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