Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Agricultural Extension

Major Professor

Cecil E. Carter Jr.

Committee Members

Lewis H. Dickson, F. Kirkpatrick


The purpose of this study was to determine the relationships between selected beef producer characteristics and the recommended practices used and the average weaning weights of feeder calves sold. Data was collected through personal interviews with 1,799 beef pro-ducers in 84 counties using the 1981 Beef Cow-Calf Producer Survey. Producers interviewed had a minimum of 25 breeding age cows in their herd. The data were coded and punched on computer cards and compu-tations made by The University of Tennessee Computing Center. The analysis of variance F test and Chi Square were used to determine probability levels and the strength of the relationship between dependent and independent variables. F values and Chi Square values which achieved the .05 level of probability were accepted as significant. Major findings included the following: 1. Fifty-one percent of the producers interviewed were full-time farmers and 47 percent had commercial crossbreds, 53 percent had a herd size in the 25 to 49 cow range, and 42 percent used only one bull. 2. Full-time farmers with purebred herds were using a higher percentage of the 22 selected recommended practices than other pro-ducers. 3. Producers using performance tested bulls were using more of the other recommended practices than those producers not using a per-formance tested bull. 4. Producers with the heaviest average weaning weights for feeder calves were retired farmers with commercial straightbred herds who had either 25 to 49 cows or 75 to 99 cows. 5. Producers following recommended production practices reported heavier weights for feeder calves sold at weaning than did those pro-ducers not using recommended practices. Implications also were drawn and recommendations made for use of the findings and further study.

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