Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Animal Science

Major Professor

Robert R. Shrode

Committee Members

Bill Backus, Cecil Carter


This study is an analysis of responses to the questions asked of 353 randomly selected beef producers in the 21 counties of Extension Service District One in 1985. Frequencies of certain producer characteristics and practices were analyzed and, in some cases, compared with 1981 survey results. The chi-square test was used to determine the relationship or independence of the use or non-use of performance-tested bulls and the use of some beef production practices. Analysis of variance was used to determine the effect that the use of certain practices had on the percent of cows weaning calves. It was determined that the average beef producer was approximately 50 years of age, more than half fanned full time, average herd size was 56 cows and the average percentage of cows that weaned calves was 86. Results of the study indicate that only a small number of pro-ducers (about 25%) follow many of the production practices recommended by Agricultural Extension Service personnel. A larger number of producers who used performance-tested bulls employ more of the other recommended production practices than of those who did not use such bulls. The chi-square test showed that, in most cases, producers who were willing to invest the extra money required to purchase tested bulls were willing also to invest the extra effort and money required to use other recommended practices. Percentage of cows weaning calves did not seem to be influenced greatly by the use or non-use of most recommended production practices. However, the results do indicate that weaning percent increases with increases in amount of printed extension material received by producers. The Extension Service offers vast amounts of educational material and assistance to producers at no direct cost to them, such service being financed by appropriated money supplied by taxes. Efforts should be devoted to making producers aware of these services and to encourage them to use them to their advantage.

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