Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Landscape Architecture

Major Professor

R.M. Augé

Committee Members

Bob Trigiano, Otto Schwarz


Plant responses to water stress operate In conjunction with coinciding plant characteristics. These response-characteristic combinations have been termed "strategies." We characterized and compared the drought resistance strategies (avoidance vs. tolerance) of four native ornamental perennials, purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea), orange coneflower (Rudbeckia fulgida var. Sullivantii), bee-balm (Monarda didyma), and swamp sunflower (Helianthus angustifolius), after assessing stomatal behavior, dehydration tolerance and leaf osmotic adjustment (δΨπ100) following water withholding from plants growing in a greenhouse. In the stomatal behavior experiment, leaf water potential (ΨL), leaf turgor potential (Ψp) and leaf relative water content (RWC) were measured daily as stomatal conductance (Cs) approached 0 mm*s-i. In the dehydration tolerance and leaf osmotic adjustment experiment, lethal ΨL, lethal soil water potential (ΨS) lethal leaf RWC, and leaf δΨπ100 were determined when only 5-6 living leaves remained on a plant. E. purpurea had the lowest ΨLL→0) near stomatal closure and lethal ΨL (high dehydration tolerance), and a low leaf RWC (RWC→0) near stomatal closure and lethal leaf RWC. R. fulgida var. Sullivantii had a similar low ΨL→0 and low lethal ΨL, but displayed a relatively large (δΨπ100. M. didyma had the highest ΨL→0 and RWC→0, an intermediate lethal ΨL, yet displayed a relatively large δΨπ100 H. angustifolius became desiccated more rapidly than the other three species despite having a high ΨL→0 it had the highest lethal 'Vl and displayed very little δΨπ100 (low dehydration tolerance). Despite the observed differences in stomatal behavior, dehydration tolerance and leaf δΨπ100 among the four species, all four perennials fall predominantly into the drought avoidance category. The understanding of drought resistance strategies in ornamentals can potentially help growers and landscapers to minimize plant water stress following wholesale production.

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