Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Agricultural and Extension Education

Major Professor

Randol G. Waters

Committee Members

Warren Gill, Roy Lessly


The purpose of this study was to determine the selection criteria buyers use for purchasing performance tested bulls at the Breeders Performance Tested Bull Sale. Various criteria were examined including: trait selection, perception of the effectiveness of the performance program, perception of individuals purchasing bulls in relation to the buyer's demographic locations, and buyer characteristics.

To facilitate the purpose of this study, the following specific objectives were developed:

1. To develop an average profile of the individuals who commonly purchase performance tested bulls.

2. To determine most common selection criteria used by buyers when purchasing bulls and the relationships of those criteria to selected buyer demographic characteristics.

3. To determine buyers' perceptions of the quality of the performance program and its relationship to selected buyer demographic characteristics.

This was a descriptive/correlational study which was Ex Post Facto in nature. Data were collected using a researcher developed questionnaire. The questionnaire was field tested to determine content validity and reliability and appropriate adjustments were made prior to mailing to respondents.


The majority of respondents felt that the test records provided to them on the day of the sale were "useful". A large percentage of the respondents indicated their bulls were "productive breeders" with only a few respondents experiencing calving problems. When asked why they selected the Breeder Performance Tested Performance Sale, the greatest majority selected the sale due to its reputation.

Most respondents were satisfied with the bull they purchased and the performance tested bull program. They responded positively to those questions seeking their satisfaction with the program. Their responses included; "may return to the sale to purchased an additional bull", "contributed positively to the genetic improvement of their herd" and "would recommend the sale to others". In regard to the respondents positive reply to the various independent variables concerning "satisfaction with the sale" it can be concluded that the overall satisfaction with the performance program is very positive.

The dependent variables were four computed scale scores (sale factors, general information, descriptive information, and performance information) based upon respondent's perceptions' of the importance of various kinds of selection criteria. Scores for each set of factors were arranged in a Lickert type scale ranging from one, being "very important", and five being "very unimportant". The respondent had the opportunity to determine the degree of importance of each selection criteria.

Respondents categorized the perceived importance of the various selection criteria provided to each potential buyer on sale day. The "descriptive" category received the highest rating while "disposition" was selected as the most important selection criterion within the category. "Performance Information" followed very closely. It should be noted that birth weight was selected as the single most important selection criterion (in all groups). The category of "General Information" followed next with "breed" ranking as the most important criterion in this group. "Sale Factors" followed closely behind with "reputation of sale" ranked as the most important criterion in this category.

There is no reason to conclude that there is a relationship between respondents' "satisfaction with the sale", "level of education", "management practices employed by the buyer upon arrival to their farm", "participating in bull lease program", "farming status", or, "method of marketing", and their perceived importance of any of the four kinds of selection criteria provided to them about the bull. There was a statistically significant relationship between "type of producer" and their perceptions of the importance of "sale factors" and "general information".


​​The Breeder's Performance Tested Bull Sale has made a tremendous impact of the availability of genetically superior breeding sires in Tennessee. The selection criteria utilized by individuals is the primary strategy for selecting a superior breeding sire. The data compiled in this study reveals those criteria deemed important by the respondent. It is apparent that some of the data provided to the potential buyer are unclear in meaning to them. Perhaps potential buyers are unfamiliar with available performance data or unclear about how to utilize a combination of all available data to select a breeding sire.

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