Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Biosystems Engineering Technology

Major Professor

C. Roland Mote

Committee Members

Bobby Bledsoe, Ronald Yoder


Struvite is a mineral scale that forms in and on components of recycle flush systems, causing equipment failure. To date acid flushing is the most often recommended means of removing and controlling the buildup. As a part of an on going project, this thesis tested a potential inhibitor, Kelig 4000, under field conditions. The use of an inhibitor to prevent, or slow, the formation of struvite is an attractive alternative to acid flushing for several reasons. Inhibitors reduce the time the recycle flush system is off-line for cleaning, and require less time of the producer. The use of inhibitors to control scale has been used in other applications, such as cooling towers and boilers.

The results thus far are promising. Suitable inhibitors have been identified, and Kelig 4000 has preformed well under field conditions.

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