Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Wildlife and Fisheries Science

Major Professor

J. Larry Wilson

Committee Members

Tom Hill, Mike Smith


Of the 135,401 striped bass young-of-year (y-o-y) fingerlings stocked at four study sites in Norris Reservoir in 1995, only 106 were recaptured using electrofishing, gill nets and seines. Food habit analysis was performed on all striped bass; a representative sample of largemouth (n=93) and smallmouth (n=22) bass y-o-y were also examined for food items ingested. Midge and mayfly larvae, copepods, and Daphnia lumholtzi were the dominant food items found in fish less than 7 cm in length. On reaching 7 cm in length, y-o-y striped bass preyed primarily on larval shad (Dorosoma spp.). Striped bass attained this length approximately two weeks earlier in the growing season than largemouth; smallmouth switched to fish approximately four weeks after the largemouth. Largemouth preyed on shad, bluegill, and other largemouth while smallmouth utilized bluegill almost exclusively.

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