Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Paul M. Winistorfer

Committee Members

Paul Winistorfer, Brian Bond, Burt English


This study is a general profile of the hardwood sawmill industry in Tennessee. Previous industry assessments were not focused specifically on hardwood sawmills and did not include much of the information contained in the Tennessee Hardwood Sawmill Profile. This profile will allow those involved in the production of hardwood lumber to see a broad image of the industry and make adjustments to their individual situations. Data was gathered via a written questionnaire distributed to the majority of sawmills in the state. The survey included questions regarding mill characteristics, production, equipment, residues, external factors, and drying facilities. The survey showed a high level of variation in the all aspects of hardwood lumber production among differing sawmill size classes. Sawmills who produced less than five million board feet of lumber annually, were subject to greater levels of competition and were more likely to go out of business in the next ten years. Larger sawmills with a much larger market share were more likely to have seen growth by their individual firm. The large sawmills were more likely to purchase new equipment and less likely to be forced out of the market.

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