Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Agricultural and Extension Education

Major Professor

John Todd


MANN, RODNEY L. The Impact of Alternative Scheduling on the Agriculture Education Program in Tennessee Schools.

The purpose of the research was to complete an in-depth study of the impact of alternative class scheduling on agriculture education in secondary schools in Tennessee. A survey that assessed the daily schedule being followed in every agriculture educator's school for the current and past five school years; identified the impact of scheduling on the FFA, SAE and instructional programs in their schools; and assessed the teachers' attitudes toward alternative scheduling was administered to every agriculture education teacher. Data were examined, summarized and analyzed using SPSS for Windows (10.0.0).

The study found that more teachers were experiencing program changes during the six years studied as a result of alternative scheduling growing rapidly in Tennessee although the rate of growth was slowing. The results from perceptions about alternative scheduling indicated mixed findings about the best overall schedule. The study revealed that perceptions were significantly different related to each teacher's current schedule, years of teaching experience and degree held. Statistically, there was more total support for the 4 X 4 alternative schedule by agriculture teachers than the traditional schedule. Teachers had a more positive perception of their current daily schedule than of other available schedules. Most of the group of teachers who changed to an alternative schedule developed a positive attitude toward their new schedule. A complete examination of course content, curriculum materials, FFA programs, laboratory equipment, SAEP programs and classroom management methods must be conducted and revisions made to prepare for changes in schedules. Further research studies are needed to completely understand the implications of the alternative scheduling movement in Tennessee.

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