Masters Theses
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Arts
Major Professor
Deborah P. Welsh
Committee Members
Cheryl Travis, Gina Owens
Evidence suggests that female victims of sexual abuse are revictimized more often than non-victimized females, placing them at risk for the negative consequences, including increased psychopathology, medical issues and interpersonal difficulties. Research is needed to protect childhood sexual abuse survivors from the risk of further sexual assault. The present study examines if victim status and perception of social costs inhibit heterosexual females’ perception of risk and behavioral response. Results indicate that victim status affects the perception of risk and that sexually abused women in a high social cost condition use less assertive behavioral responses. Implications of these findings for sexual assault prevention and interventions are discussed.
Recommended Citation
Nathanson, Alison Megan, "The Risk of Responding to Acquaintance Sexual Assault: How Perceived Social Costs Affect Risk Appraisals and Behavioral Responses in College Women. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 2010.