"University Statements on the Murder of George Floyd: A Critical Discou" by Alexandria M. Brown

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts



Major Professor

Lois Presser

Committee Members

Michelle Christian, Dorian McCoy


Minneapolis police office, Derek Chauvin, murdered George Floyd on May 25, 2020. After this killing, many universities throughout the United States, including all the institutions in the Southeastern Conference (SEC), released public statements about the murder. Over the last few decades, cuts in funding to institutes of higher education have resulted in colleges and universities adopting the managerial and revenue-generating practices of corporations. With corporations as their example, they have also taken to releasing statements about socio-political events, rather than just about incidents pertaining to their immediate stakeholders. Using Critical Discourse Analysis, this paper examines those statements and discusses the discursive practices employed by the SEC university chancellors and presidents.

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