Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Child and Family Studies

Major Professor

Megan L. Haselschwerdt

Committee Members

Alison Cares, Autumn Bermea


Plurisexual is a term encompassing individuals who experience romantic or sexual attraction to more than one gender (e.g. bisexual, pansexual, queer, or fluid). Plurisexual identities are increasing in prevalence and visibility, particularly among younger generations. Substantial research demonstrates that bisexual women are at an increased risk of experiencing intimate partner violence (IPV) victimization, both physical violence and coercive control, as well as unhealthy alcohol use, but less is known about other plurisexual women’s experiences. Guided by minority stress theory, which is commonly used to conceptualize that the negative lived experiences of those who hold minoritized sexual and gender identities as situated in a society that espouses heterosexuality, I examined the relationship between IPV victimization and alcohol use utilizing the plurisexual women subsample (N = 75) from the REVEAL project. Participants completed an online survey about their experiences with IPV, here conceptualized as physical violence and coercive control, victimization and alcohol use. Descriptive statistics, bivariate correlations, and a hierarchical linear regression were conducted to examine relationships between key predictor, outcome, and control variables (age and whether data was collected prior to or after the COVID-19 lockdown). Inconsistent with previous studies, I did not find any associations between IPV victimization and alcohol use. These findings provide implications for further research such that IPV and alcohol experiences of plurisexual women should be examined separate from monosexual women (e.g., straight, lesbian). Additionally, research should pay attention to the drinking and IPV experiences of plurisexual women, as this is a growing population whose experiences remain understudied.

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