Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Industrial Engineering

Major Professor

John C. Hungerford


The purpose of this research study was to examine existing problems, analyze possible solutions, and recommend feasible corrective measures to improve the work facility at Martin Marietta Energy Systems Biology Division, Building 9210, with respect to carpal tunnel syndrome occurrences. The research involved many site visits, observations of the work being performed, reviews of pre-existing recommendations, and employee interviews. Each job was also researched interactively, by performing either a task or a portion thereof for a substantial time period.

Upon each visit, workers were approached and spoken with, and all expressed great enthusiasm and interest in the research being performed. A significant number of the workers were observed, time studies were performed, and micromotions were assessed according to previously researched risk factors for carpal tunnel syndrome. From this information, particular risk factors for this unique situation were compiled and jobs were reexamined for the purpose of reducing the frequency of these factors on this job site.

These evaluations were discussed with responsible management personnel at Martin Marietta, and feasible alternatives were constructed and evaluated. These findings were reported to workers, safety officials, and others with responsibility or interest in this problem.

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