Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Aviation Systems

Major Professor

Ralph Kimberlin

Committee Members

Alfonso Pujol Jr., Richard Ranaudo


Procedures for determining the target location capability using azimuth only techniques are presented. These procedures were developed specifically to determine the target location capability of the EA-6B using its azimuth only receiver system. The target location capability of the aircraft system was compared to the requirements of the High Speed Anti-radiation Missile (HARM). The weapon system was studied to determine the sources for error and the precise method used to locate. Due to the man-in-the-loop system and needing a statement of target location capability relevant to the HARM, a simulation was developed with the relevant features and limitations of the aircraft system and HARM. Data were collected from two operators locating targets over various ranges using the accuracy for each of the aircraft's receivers and HARM accuracy requirements. The results of the simulation were used to determine if target location was possible and under what conditions. Rules of thumb were developed that could be used to verify the simulation using flight testing and then in actual conditions. Due to classification limitations, the weapon system accuracy for the EA-6B receiver system and the accuracy requirement for the HARM have been changed to demonstrate the procedures and techniques used and not the actual data generated had these classified capabilities been used.

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