"Examining Messaging Strategies of Virtual Reality Companies on Instagr" by Brian Galloway

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

John Eric Haley

Committee Members

Matthew C. Pittman, Michael J. Palenchar


This study examines the messaging strategy and executional strategy utilized in the virtual reality industry on Instagram through the lens of Taylor’s Six-Segment Message Strategy Wheel. Content analysis examined a total of n=942 posts which were coded for high level message strategy, specific message strategy, and executional strategy. Engagement data was also recorded. Ritual-view messaging strategies were found to be utilized most often, with Social and Sensory-segment strategies used most frequently in terms of segments in Taylor’s model. In terms of executional strategies, User Image, Brand Image, and Use Occasion strategies were seen most frequently. Ego and Social segment message strategies generated the most engagement on average, and Preemptive and Unique Selling Proposition executional strategies received the most engagement on average. Implications and future research suggestions are discussed.

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