Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Nuclear Engineering

Major Professor

Nicholas R. Brown

Committee Members

Ivan G. Maldonado, David C. Donovan


Tritium transport behavior in component-level models of fission and fusion systems was simulated and assessed using the hydrogen transport code in the BISON fuel performance code. Models of different conditions which were of an ITER heat exchanger, LWR cladding, and FHR heat exchanger were conducted. Comparable results between reported values and BISON predictions demonstrated the ability of the models to predict tritium transport behavior through different steel materials for three different model conditions. Next, a method for sensitivity and uncertainty analysis was implemented to calibrate the models as well as demonstrate the ability to apply this approach in multiphysics models in BISON. This calibration method resulted in improving BISON predictions. Overall, the capabilities of the BISON code for component-level modeling of tritium transport are promising and BISON predictions showed good agreement for the three cases.

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