Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Music



Major Professor

Andrew Sigler

Committee Members

Brendan McConville, Michael Stewart


Finding the Sun is a demonstration of the difficulties addressed when composing music for concert band within the confines of a band grading system. This thesis project includes a set of three compositions that contain the same musical material that has been adjusted and arranged to fit the skill levels of grade 2, grade 3, and grade 5 band works. Writing three levels of the same work presented its own set of challenges in the form of orchestration, technique, and educational considerations. The narrative portion of this thesis will set up the work’s context by examining various band grading systems and other pieces that have been arranged for less experienced bands. First I will share the background of my compositional research, then I will examine the piece in context of the revised grading chart by Cynthia Hutton, and finally recount my experience and observations with the finished product. Not only does this thesis submit three original works for band, it highlights the compositional challenges of the inconsistencies in the band grading systems.

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