Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Agricultural Extension

Major Professor

Robert S. Dotson

Committee Members

Don O. Richardson, William M. Miller, Cecil Carter


This survey-type study was one of three related problems concerning manufacturing milk production in Macon County, Tennessee. The specific purpose was to determine the characteristics of Macon County manufacturing milk producers, including those who annually produce in high, medium, and low thirds in terms of butterfat. A random sample of 60 producers of 571 was intered and comparative analysis was made in simple numbers and percents. The findings revealed that the average Macon County manufacturing milk producer in 1965 had the following characteristics: (1) was approximately 52 years of age; (2) had completed 7.5 years of schooling; (3) was generally friendly toward the interviewer; (4) reported a gross family income of $6,348; (5) milked 14 cows and produced 3,386 pounds of milk and 207 pounds of butterfat; (6) operated 157 total acres of farm having 96 acres in cropland; (7) kept 8 replacement heifers; (8) did his own milking and sold milk in cans; (9) was found not to have a silo.

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