Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Civil Engineering

Major Professor

J. Harold Deatherage


The construction industry has historically had a higher accident rate than other industries. Because of this fact, several studies have analyzed this industry to discover the factors that cause the increased accident rate. This thesis is yet another study to analyze accidents in the construction industry and identify factors that contribute to construction accidents. It specifically analyzes accidents on Tennessee highway and street construction. Data used in this analysis on construction accidents was from a workers compensation trust and a survey. From this data various areas on construction accidents were analyzed such as the following: 1. Day of Accidents 2. Cost Range of Accidents 3. Severity of Accidents 4. Injury Type 5. Part of Body Injured 6. Skill of Injured Person 7. Time of Accident 8. Presence of Overtime and Acceleration Within this thesis various conclusions are presented from the results of the analyses.

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