Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Engineering Science

Major Professor

Christopher D. Pionke

Committee Members

N. Allen Yu, Rapinder S. Sawhney


This thesis outlines the development of a web-based, interactive tutorial and computational test bed for students in their first course on finite elements. The program provides analytical and numerical results using the finite element method on various engineering problems in solid mechanics and the fluid-thermal sciences. Before developing the program, it was necessary to research current software packages already available and the different teaching methods used. The research showed that there was a need for a program like the one developed in this thesis and the best software to calculate analytical solutions with would be Maple. The best format to develop the program is through the web using HTML, JavaScript, and PhP. This format allows the most users access to the program. The program's website is frame based which allows easy access to any area of the site. The Home section provides information on the scope of the Thesis. The Program Information section provides information on the website's features. The Tutorial Examples section provides in-depth solutions to example problems. The Interactive TestBed section is where the user can develop, solve, and compare various problems using the finite element method. The TestBed Help section provides an interactive help guide to using the TestBed section. At the time of publication, the website is located at This site provides information regarding introductory finite elements in an analytical and numerical way. It is a resource which provides a good reference for any course discussing introductory finite elements. This site helps fill in the gaps that may have been overlooked during coursework. It can also reinforce concepts that were covered. The interactive aspect of this website provides the user with the ability to quickly solve different problems with little difficulty.

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