Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

C. W. Minkel


This thesis contains four sections: an urban land-use survey, an economic study, a population/migration analysis, and recommendations for future development for both the City and the Province of Ayabaca. The land-use survey contains maps, graphs and descriptions of the facilities in urban Ayabaca. The City of Ayabaca had no previous land-use map, nor does it have a land-use plan. The economic study took place in the urban area of the City of Ayabaca, as well as the Socchobamba Valley. The City of Ayabaca has only a very few small manufacturers, but is the center of industry for the province. The economic study contains maps and descriptions of current businesses and industries, interviews with them, and a perspective on potential economic growth and obstacles. For the population/migration study some 288 interviews were held with heads of household in the District of Ayabaca, which includes the City of Ayabaca and surrounding communities. This area has a population of about 7,742 persons, and a confidence level of 95 percent, +/- 5.21, was achieved. The surveys covered only the heads of household, but the questions pertained to both themselves and their family members. Some interesting findings include: the number of unmarried heads of households and children born out of wedlock, the desire for higher education, the desire for quality employment, and the feeling of need to migrate even though they like Ayabaca. The migration study is part of a larger project proposed to take place in all areas in the Frontier Region of northern Peru (Departments of Piura, Tumbes and northern Cajamarca), and southern Ecuador (Departments of Loja, El Oro and Zamora-Chinchipe). Recommendations are given throughout the paper and, again, in the recommendations section. For reading convenience, all recommendations are in Italics.

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