Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Sport Studies

Major Professor

Leslee Fisher

Committee Members

Craig Wrisberg, John Lounsbury


This study involved the development and psychometric validation ofthe Mental Toughness Questionnaire (MTQ). The MTQ is an 18-item questionnaire designed to evaluate an individual's competitive desire, focus, self-confidence, and resiliency. The responses of 117 varsity male and female athletes at a Division I-A university and Division II college were analyzed using a principal component factor analysis. The mean mental toughness score for males was significantly different from than the mean mental toughness score for females (M=2.07, SD=.54) and indicated that males self-reported being more mentally tough than females (t[115] = -3.29, p < .001). The mean mental toughness score for athletes in Division I-A (M=2.03, SD= .51) was significantly different from that for athletes in Division II (M=I.69, SD=.37) and indicated that the Division II athletes self-reported being more mentally tough than Division I-A athletes (t[115] = 3.28, p < .001). The mean mental toughness score on the Final MTQ was also significantly different between the eight different sports, F(7,116) = 2.87, p = .009. Post hoc analyses revealed that athletes in the sport of men's baseball self-reported being more mentally tough than athletes in the sport ofwomen's swimming

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