"The Predictive Significance of Pre-college data with reference to Coll" by D.O. Teague

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Jos Avent


Intelligence tests have been used extensively by colleges and universities as a basis for predicting success or failure in college since the world war. Due to this fact it was decided to make a survey of what is being done in this country with reference to admission to colleges and to determine the predictive value of intelligence tests, high school marks, and college marks of students who enter the University of Tennesee. In consderation of what has been done, and because of the indefiniteness of the work done along this line in the past it was decided to make a further study of the specific situation in the University of Tennessee. The pre-college data used in this study consists of intelligence quotients, high school marks, and English placement grades.

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