Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Retail, Hospitality, and Tourism Management

Major Professor

Youn-Kyung Kim

Committee Members

Laura Jolly, Ann Fairhurst


The socio-economic changes and the population growth concentrated in cities in the U.S. have resulted in increasing interest in urban life that combines living, shopping and work in one centralized location. This type of area, called a mixed-use development, meets the needs of changing American lifestyles. To build successful retail businesses in the mixed-use developments, more information must be identified concerning key retail success factors. Based upon this need, this study examined the town center mixed-use development through case studies. The scope ofthe study included identifying successful town center mixed-use developments in the U.S., identifying locations for each case study analysis, conducting surveys of retailers, consumers and property managers, and analyzing results for consistent responses. The consistent responses by retailer, consumer, and property manager perceptions of store attributes and SWOT analyses were used to determine key success factors. These key success factors were separated into development attributes, store attributes, and target consumer attributes. Although the key success factors are simple in nature, the data from all three respondent groups unite to validate and add emphasis to the review of related literature. lltilizing these key success factors can assist in differentiating the town center and individual stores front the competition and in creating a desirable environment where customers return frequently. The model can be used in the development, planning and implementation strategies for future town center mixed-use developments.

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