Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Sport Studies

Major Professor

Leslee Fisher


Analysis of NBC's nine-hour coverage of diving at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games was carried out to determine if gender bias would be found in announcer commentary. Both primetime and non-primetime coverage was examined to see if the amount of time devoted to diving was biased toward male or female divers'. Billings' (2007) coding scheme was used to determine whether differences existed in the way NBC commentators described male and female divers performance during these Olympics. Descriptive phrases used by NBC commentators were coded independently by two coders. An advisor was used when coders disagreed on placement of descriptors in Billings coding scheme. Only descriptors that two out of three coders agreed on were used (n = 1,231) to ensure intercoder reliability. No significant difference was found regarding the amount of coverage devoted to the diving performance of men and women. However, commentators were more likely to discuss male divers' experience levels more than those of female divers during non-primetime hours. These results suggest that gender bias in NBC commentator dialogues during diving competition has diminished some since the 2004 Athens Olympic Games.

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