Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts



Major Professor

Eric Sundstrom


This field study examined the relationship between orderliness, a facet of the personality trait conscientiousness, life change in retirement and life satisfaction in retirement. Hypotheses for this study are derived from current research and theory. Life satisfaction in retirement and the trait orderliness were hypothesized to have a positive linear relationship. The relationship between life change in retirement and life satisfaction in retirement were hypothesized to have a negative linear relationship. The narrow personality trait of orderliness was hypothesized to have a moderating influence on the relationship between life change and life satisfaction in retirement. Data were collected during a 6-month period and included two surveys: a proprietary personality questionnaire developed for the study and a questionnaire about satisfaction with and changes around retirement experiences, also developed for the study. Results supported the hypothesis that life change and life satisfaction have a negative linear relationship. Orderliness as a moderating influence on the relationship between life change and life satisfaction was also supported by the data.

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