Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Music



Major Professor

Andrew Sigler

Committee Members

Nathan Fleshner, Kevin Class


Pinocchio: An Opera in Two Acts is a work composed for a minimum of ten singers and athirteen piece orchestra (piano reduction available). It consists of two acts, split into a total of nine scenes, lasting approximately seventy minutes in length, before intermission and scene changes. The opera was commissioned by VolOpera, the current undergraduate opera program, at The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, as well as serving for partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Master of Music Degree with a concentration in Composition from the university. The subject matter of the work is an interpretation of Carlo Collodi’s famous children’s novel Pinocchio, that aims to remain more true to the original content of the work than other adaptations of the work, such as the 1940 Walt Disney adaptation.This document will outline the compositional process for the work. It does not serve as an in-depth analysis of the opera, but rather to outline the methodology used for the work’s creation. It will outline both broad scale considerations and constraints for composing an opera, as well as discussing concepts that are more particular to the composition of Pinocchio: An Opera in Two Acts. Throughout this thesis, my aim is to give the reader a better insight of what it is like to compose an opera though the experience of composing this work.

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