Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Plant Sciences

Major Professor

John Sorochan

Committee Members

Tom Samples, Brandon Horvath


Every year, thousands of sports turf managers on natural apply athletic field marking paint. Research was conducted comparing different treatments consisting of various nozzle sizes and pressure settings for applying athletic field paint. Objectives of this research is to provide sports turf managers information on nozzle size and pressure setting of painting equipment to reduce the negative effects of athletic turf paint on soil root zones. Treatment applications simulated an NCAA football schedule in 2015, 2016, and 2019 to 'Tifway 419' (Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. x Cynodon transvaalensis, Burtt-Davy) bermudagrass sod established in 2011 and maintained on a USGA sand-based root zone (United States Golf Association, 2018). Soil samples from each treatment area were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) consisting of porosity, bulk density, and percent organic matter. Measurements of each treatment determined the quantity of paint sprayed from the different nozzles and pressure settings. Based on the quantity of each treatment cost analysis determined the cost of each treatment. Turf Analyzer, a computer software program, evaluated digital images of each paint treatment to determine differences in color uniformity and brightness. No significant differences were detected in the soil analysis. However, in cost analysis discovered substantial differences in treatment cost to paint basic football field markings. Calibration of treatments discovered up to 312% difference in quantity of paint applied between small nozzle with lower pressure compared to larger nozzle and high pressure. Digital image analysis determined a significant difference of percent brightness of athletic turf paint in the nozzle size x pressure setting interaction. However, visual quality assessment could not detect difference. Information in this study will provide sports turf managers cost effective parameters while still obtaining visually appealing paint applications

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