Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

John Haas


The purpose of this study is to examine the relationships among social support, religiosity, and substance abuse. Recent research suggests that a connection exists between substance abuse and a variety of factors that include religiosity and social support. While existing research suggests a link between social support and both religiosity and substance abuse, no single study has explored the relationship among these three factors. Moreover, the research on substance abuse has centered on usage-related issues rather than on participant beliefs about substance abuse. The goal of this study is to extend previous research by expanding our understanding of the relationship among substance abuse, social support, and religiosity. The results of the study suggest that religious individuals define substance abuse along a number of different dimensions. Moreover, definitions of substance abuse do not impact on how church members view religiosity or social support. In addition, the results of the data analysis involving the demographic variables indicate a complex pattern of relationships between the demographic variables and religiosity and social support.

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