Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts



Major Professor

Laura L. Howes

Committee Members

Mary C. Dzon, Heather A. Hirschfeld


Medieval space often functions for specific purposes within the context of the literary tale. The purposes of these spaces can vary widely, but they are usually included intentionally to offer a certain purpose. These spaces can vary from real and constructed spaces. Real spaces are those that reflect or mirror spaces from our world with exact detail, and constructed spaces are those that are obviously not of our world or so indistinct that it is impossible to tell where in our world it might be situated. Constructed spaces often offer unique opportunities for authors to explore challenges and themes not inherently native to our world. The inhabitants of these constructed spaces, whether by intent or accidental design, seem to reflect the qualities of their home space. This thesis seeks to explore how characters from Marie de France’s Lanval and Yonec and characters from Sir Gawain and the Green Knight come to reflect the qualities of medieval constructed spaces in their relevant tales.

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