Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Architecture



Major Professor

Thomas Mark Stanley

Committee Members

Andrew M. Madl, Jason T. Young


Topographic and metabolic systems of our landscape have changed over time by the human influence on the earth. This change is caused by a wide range of networks causing impact on our planet, including that network of agriculture. Because of population increase of the human species, the agency of agriculture was turned into a mode of production – the law of demand; More. Quicker. Cheaper. Things got [get] messy. Additives, modifications, combinations, GMO [Object] - all unconventionally mixed in a pot to boil. Machines spreading the mix across the land, seeping into our streams and digested as we drink the water and eat the cow that ate the grass that ingested contaminants from soil and the water.This thesis investigates the impact of surface by human implication as a fusion of artificial and organic ingredients redefining scales of human reality. Where parts and pieces are augmented - took apart and fueled together forming hybrids of hybrids – rigged in such ways to get predicted results. Speculating and interrogating the farming practice in the built environment within the age of the Anthropocene.

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