Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Architecture



Major Professor

James R. Rose

Committee Members

Jennifer A. Akerman, Thomas K. Davis


By the year 2050, sea level rise will drive America’s coastal cities inland looking for new territories or cities to call home causing natural resources to become ever-more scarce. Where will we turn to build our future if our efforts to withstand the inundation of the Eastern Seaboard is not enough? I am looking at the region of Appalachia as a site for the circumstance, and looking closer at the scale of the communities that would surround the metropolitans of Appalachia.If Appalachia is to be the location of America’s next great urbanized regions, I feel it is important to celebrate Appalachia rather than start from scratch when visualizing this new urban condition. I am working at multiple scales to tell this story but choose to operate the most in depth at the scale of a community as it is my best chance to push the needle forward on urbanization of a natural environment such as Central Appalachia while celebrating the cultural aspects of the region.Central Appalachia is home to some of the most resilient forest and fresh water networks on the continent according to the Appalachia Nature Conservancy. This makes for some of the most protected and valuable territories in America in response to climate change.In response to the disaster sea level rise will have on the East Coast communities Eleanor, WV will once again act as a homestead for many of those effected. The goal of Eleanor will be to start as this place of refuge and develop into an economic engine for the nearby to be metropolitan of Charleston, WV. Eleanor, will use vertical farming and unique residential situations to transform into a sustainable and attractive way of life that helps fuel the region. This community as well as the transformation of the city of Charleston will act as representatives of the many like conditions that make up the mesh-like grid of the focus region.

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