"Transportable Modular Balance of Plant Study for Small Nuclear Power P" by Martin Rodney Williamson

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Nuclear Engineering

Major Professor

Lawrence W. Townsend

Committee Members

Laurence F. Miller, Fred R. Mynatt


The purpose of this research is to develop a conceptual design for a balance of plant (BOP) layout to coordinate with small nuclear power plants and to demonstrate the feasibility of transporting this BOP via US waterways. The Westinghouse International Reactor, Innovative and Secure (IRIS) is used as the primary plant for the base-case study. IRIS is an advanced design pressurized water reactor (PWR) with a power rating of 1000MWt (approximately 335 MWe). A Matlab® script file, named BOSCO, automates the process of calculating the BOP component sizes for different initial conditions, enabling the use of different primary systems and/or initial conditions without difficulty. The results are used to create 3-D solid models of the components. These solid models are used to design a layout for a barge-mounted balance of plant. The feasibility of transporting the primary and the secondary systems via two separate barges traveling from the Gulf of Mexico to Chattanooga, TN has been analyzed. Limitations imposed by locks, dams, bridges, aerial power crossings, and river channel depths determine the maximum allowable barge dimensions. The final dimensions for both the reactor building and turbine-generator building barges are 30 meters wide, 100 meters long, with 2.74 meters draft. The reactor building barge displaces approximately 4992 metric tons, while the turbine-generator building barge displaces approximately 2195 metric tons. Figures containing visualizations of plant components layout and solid modeling have been developed and are presented. Further travel up the Tennessee River with a barge of these dimensions is currently restricted due to width limitations imposed by several locks and dams.

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